
Querying Joins and Nested tables

The data APIs automatically detect relationships between Postgres tables. Since Postgres is a relational database, this is a very common scenario.

One-to-many joins

Let's use an example database that stores countries and cities:


1United Kingdom
2United States


3Los Angeles2
4New York2

The APIs will automatically detect relationships based on the foreign keys:

const { data, error } = await supabase.from('countries').select(`
cities ( id, name )

TypeScript types for joins

supabase-js always returns a data object (for success), and an error object (for unsuccessful requests).

These helper types provide the result types from any query, including nested types for database joins.

Given the following schema with a relation between cities and countries:

create table countries (
"id" serial primary key,
"name" text
create table cities (
"id" serial primary key,
"name" text,
"country_id" int references "countries"

We can get the nested CountriesWithCities type like this:

import { QueryResult, QueryData, QueryError } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
const countriesWithCitiesQuery = supabase.from('countries').select(`
cities (
type CountriesWithCities = QueryData<typeof countriesWithCitiesQuery>
const { data, error } = await countriesWithCitiesQuery
if (error) throw error
const countriesWithCities: CountriesWithCities = data

Many-to-many joins

The data APIs will detect many-to-many joins. For example, if you have a database which stored teams of users (where each user could belong to many teams):

create table users (
"id" serial primary key,
"name" text
create table teams (
"id" serial primary key,
"team_name" text
create table members (
"user_id" int references users,
"team_id" int references teams,
primary key (user_id, team_id)

In these cases you don't need to explicitly define the joining table (members). If we wanted to fetch all the teams and the members in each team:

const { data, error } = await supabase.from('teams').select(`
users ( id, name )

Specifying the ON clause for joins with multiple foreign keys

For example, if you have a project that tracks when employees check in and out of work shifts:

-- Employees
create table users (
"id" serial primary key,
"name" text
-- Badge scans
create table scans (
"id" serial primary key,
"user_id" int references users,
"badge_scan_time" timestamp
-- Work shifts
create table shifts (
"id" serial primary key,
"user_id" int references users,
"scan_id_start" int references scans, -- clocking in
"scan_id_end" int references scans, -- clocking out
"attendance_status" text

In this case, you need to explicitly define the join because the joining column on shifts is ambiguous.

To fetch all the shifts with scan_id_start related to a specific scan, use the following syntax:

const { data, error } = await supabase.from('shifts').select(
scans:scan_id_start (